Monday, October 10, 2011

The Ships of Life

 This weekend I found myself in the same, unusual, sitituation over and over. I was alone, well actually I was never by myself, but I was alone. Skipp, my husband of 19 years, was gone on a "man" weekend celebrating the wonderful entrance to teenagehood with our son Noah. For three days I went about our normal weekend routine with a "me" instead of a "we".

Friday night is our small group night and we welcome many into our home with a big meal. I felt a new and unusual weight that night with Skipp being gone. Usually I am the "Martha" in relationship on small group nights; in the kitchen busily preparing our food. This night I had my usual "Martha" role but also very much had to pick up his "Mary" role. Now before you think I am calling my very masculine husband a "chick", understand  what I mean is he is so very great at spending time at the feet of Jesus just as Mary, Martha's sister did. (Before all you bag on me remember we need both in the kingdom. If your not sure what I am talking about then read Luke 10:38-42)

I was alone in my dual roll as hostess and small group leader. I thought I would feel more pressure, and more nervousness than I did. Instead, as we were all sitting around the fire, I found myself saying words that were not my own. My Father had business to do in my heart and in the hearts of those in that group. What came out of my mouth may be a new mission for me to grow and study in.

God has given us as a gift all kinds of "Ships" in our lives. Friendship, Relationship, Fellowship, and Discipleship are all gifts bound in the love of a God who knows us better than we know ourselves. Here I was alone, or at least without the love of my life, and I was still not alone. There with me all the time was God, ready to cover me with his love. Also, I was in the middle of a group of people whom I have relationship with, some that I share a friendship with, all that I fellowship with and we are purposing to develop discipleship within a community.

What I see in the church as a whole is what I call the "lone sheep" syndrome. People who are disconnected from the body either by choice or by design, are waiting prey for a very real Wolf. When I am in a company sounded by the "Ships" of my life, I feel a sense of security and wholeness. This Wolf's purpose it to steal, kill, and destroy. He will let you get close enough to other people to give your a false sense of security but he has you bound on a chain to never really let you get away. That is why you need a Shepherd to come and break the chains and then run to herd of other sheep and find protection in numbers.

The church is God's design, not man's. If you have found yourself unhappy where you are, whether that is in church or out of church, I would ask you to examine the "Ships" in your life and ask yourself these questions:

What relationships have I made with those whom God has put around me?
Do I actively pursue the friendships that God has made for me?
Do I fellowship regularly with other like-minded believers?
Will I allow someone in my life to disciple and be discipled by?

When you can answer those questions positively then you will have found a fleet of "Ships" that will endure for life. Remember relationship was around long before man was, and we are created in the image of God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit....

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