Friday, October 21, 2011

Holding Out for a Hero

"Where have all the good men gone..." It is a line from a popular 80's song used as a thematic element for the movie Footloose. For those of us old enough to remember Bonnie Tyler raging that she needs a "Hero" and she is holding out for the right one, we might look around and ask a similar question.

After watching the remake of the move Footloose yesterday; I saw the same story line of good verses evil, righting the wrongs of injustice, with a love story as a back drop. It is the same story line of the ages, and one that somewhere in our culture we have lost. Where are the Othneil's who attacked an entire city for Caleb's daughter in the first chapter of Judges? If you were to ask me where have all the good men gone, I would tell you probably playing video games on their mother's couch.

Men like Othneil were King's Men, valiant and brave, ready to draw sword for the love a good women. The better question would be this, "where have all the daughter's of the King gone to inspire men to greatness?"
Yes, that is where the whole thing starts doesn't it? We as women raise them, we as women emasculate them, we as women complain about them, we as women rob them of greatness.

Think about the way God designed his Kingdom, there are men to fight and women to fight for. If we as women do everything for ourselves and stick out our tongue while we do it while chanting "Anything you can do I can better" then why would a good man stick out his neck and fight for us? I look around at the good men in my life and what I see are women who have raised above the lies of the enemy and called greatness into their men with God's help.

I have a Mighty man, and King's man in my life, and for that I am grateful. I knew he was a King's man before he knew it himself, and it was job to raise up that warrior inside. I have three young men in my charge, and it is my job to inspire greatness in them and raise up the warrior inside them. How do we as women accomplish this?

You begin to admit that you need them, and then you do what is the most unnatural thing to do: serve them selflessly. We must give men a reason to fight, a reason to set down Modern Warfare and pick up a sword. Men want to fight, we see this in the statistic that men ages 18 to 34 are the biggest purchasers of video games with war games being the top sales. We as women must speak words of life into them, challenge them to raise above their culture! It all starts with women, and we must not listen to the lies of the enemy that we are better than men. We are not better than men, we are better WITH men.

Men, finally a word to you if you were even brave enough to read this. We need you! We desperately need your strength, your valor, your wisdom, your protection and your leadership. I, as a women, promise to speak words of life to you, to give you a reason to fight whether you are my husband, my son, my family, or my friend; I owe you that much. So, today I instead of holding out for a hero, I am praying for one...

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