Thursday, December 6, 2012

Enjoying Your Season

When I am sitting in the hot sun with bottles of water litered around me I often wonder why I do this to myself. On an average baseball season with my boys I will sit through around 120 games and most of them are in the heatof Summer. I dream of the days of Fall that will bring the crisp through the air. During the fall at football games I am bundled up with sweatshirts, blankets, and a thermos full of hot coffee and wonder why do I do this to myself? I dream of the days of Spring that are warm and refreshing. In the Spring as I watch yet more games I sneeze my head off and dream of the long Winter where everything dies and nothing bothers my allergies.

Winter, the season where life goes bare. The leaves have fallen from the tree and you see the entire shape of the tree. All the crooks, bends, the wounds from the year, and even the dead branches that have to come off. I am that tree when Winter comes.

I spend three seasons in my life waiting for another season to find relief from my current situtation. What if instead of always looking ahead I stop and enjoy each season for what it brings. In the Spring there is new life, growth, birth, and beautiful colors. In the Summer there is warmth, BBQ's, vacations, and family days on the water. In the Fall there is falling leaves, the return to routine, apple cider, and beautiful colors. The Winter is when I find my rest from my seasons. Instead what if I enjoyed Winter like I did the other seasons? I fine the joy of this season as well instead of viewing it as a large exhale from a long year.

What is the joy of Winter? Most of you are snow-haters but I love the snow. In my opinion if it is going to be cold it might has well snow! Winter is when we celebrate our most festive holidays. Winter is when I have two weeks of my boys gathered around. Winter is when We play no sports! That is the one I am most excited about.

I realize that I am talking about physical seasons but in my life I have spiritual seasons as well. I have seasons of hard, of love, of service, of learning, of lettting go, of rest. The largest lesson I have learned this year is to enjoy each season as it comes. Some seasons are easy, and some are not. Some are peaceful and are some crazy! But God tells us to enjoy each season we experience in our lives because our very life itself will be gone like a vapor.

God used my physical seasons to teach me about my spiritual seasons. I have a glimmer of the season to come