Thursday, December 8, 2011

Take It From Jesus!

Our family is looking at our lives different these days, and Skipp challenged us to live stress free. So here is what I am learning...

Looking behind and pressing ahead during this time of year is not only important it is imperative. In our home we have begun to do things differently this year than we have in years past. I really blame it on reading the bible. Have you ever just been going along in your life totally oblivious to whom you have become and then right in the most inopportune time the Holy Spirit whacks you in the head with the obvious?

Romans 12:2 speaks that we are to be transformed by the renewing of our mind. This doesn't mean some trans-meditational awareness, but rather allowing the words of Jesus to come into your being and cause you to become something more than you are. So, here I am, laptop open and up on my screen and all I can say is how have I missed this until now? Missed what you asked? The perfect Christmas plan!

That's right, in red letters in Matthew 6; Jesus tells us exactly how to live out the craziness of the holidays. I know what you're thinking, that I am drawing some pretty big assumptions that Jesus used Matthew 6 as a road map of the holidays but hey, work with me here!

If you look at the headings that break up the chapter here is what you have; Give to the needy, pray, fast, treasures in heaven, and do not worry.... Doesn't that about sum up what Christmas should be? Let's take a quick look at what Jesus says about these.

Give to the needy in private away from public view and you will be rewarded by the Father. That is pretty clear, right? How many people do you know right now in your life that could use something you have or possess? It might be a meal, some money, or possibly even your time, but what is it that you have an abundance of that you can bless others with? Stop for a moment and look around, what do you see? Look at the lives of the people around you and ask God what you could do for them, and then simply do it!

Pray, pray, pray, and then pray some more! I am not talking about hour long devotion times I am talking about in everything keeping your heart and words open to God. The best way to go through your life is to keep a constant conversation going with God about everything. For the record a conversation is two ways so take some time to listen to what he is telling you...

Fasting is one that I am pressing into this year. You can fast from about anything from food to Facebook. The idea behind fasting is to offer yourself to God in place of what you would be doing during that time frame. If it is fasting your meals then during your meals you spend time with God. If it is fasting your iPhone then every time you would check your phone you don't, and you talk to God instead. Whatever you choose it is to honor God, diminish yourself, and draw closer relationally to Him.

The whole treasure in heaven is kind of a big deal at this time of year. So instead of buying a bunch of gifts for people that either you don't really like or won't appreciate your effort try and offer them something that is timeless. Today's treasure becomes tomorrow's garage sale so you might as well just skip the stress and strain! How many things do we really need? I am seriously thinking about buying everyone toilet paper, because we all need toilet paper! I am just kidding, don't worry!

Finally the last thing Jesus leaves us is, "Do not WORRY"... What you need to realize is if you do the above things correctly then you won't worry or stress. Christmas is about the sacrifice of Jesus leaving the perfect fellowship of the Father and Holy Spirit, coming to Earth clothed in humanity while choosing to lay down his deity, and saving mankind through the sacrifice of his flesh. Sacrifice, it wasn't just as he hung on a tree, it started the moment He became Immanuel, God with us. So in light of all of His sacrifices wouldn't it be a slap in the face or a nail in the hand if we His children and friends walk around greedy, self absorbed, grumpy, and anxious?

We live our lives out loud in front of others, so do our lives show that we have anything to offer the world during the holidays? There is enough stress, strain, and greed to go around but shouldn't we operate differently than the world? Aren't we supposed to be IN the world but not OF the world? Then join our family and take it from Jesus; live your Christmas out loud following His word!