Thursday, December 6, 2012

Enjoying Your Season

When I am sitting in the hot sun with bottles of water litered around me I often wonder why I do this to myself. On an average baseball season with my boys I will sit through around 120 games and most of them are in the heatof Summer. I dream of the days of Fall that will bring the crisp through the air. During the fall at football games I am bundled up with sweatshirts, blankets, and a thermos full of hot coffee and wonder why do I do this to myself? I dream of the days of Spring that are warm and refreshing. In the Spring as I watch yet more games I sneeze my head off and dream of the long Winter where everything dies and nothing bothers my allergies.

Winter, the season where life goes bare. The leaves have fallen from the tree and you see the entire shape of the tree. All the crooks, bends, the wounds from the year, and even the dead branches that have to come off. I am that tree when Winter comes.

I spend three seasons in my life waiting for another season to find relief from my current situtation. What if instead of always looking ahead I stop and enjoy each season for what it brings. In the Spring there is new life, growth, birth, and beautiful colors. In the Summer there is warmth, BBQ's, vacations, and family days on the water. In the Fall there is falling leaves, the return to routine, apple cider, and beautiful colors. The Winter is when I find my rest from my seasons. Instead what if I enjoyed Winter like I did the other seasons? I fine the joy of this season as well instead of viewing it as a large exhale from a long year.

What is the joy of Winter? Most of you are snow-haters but I love the snow. In my opinion if it is going to be cold it might has well snow! Winter is when we celebrate our most festive holidays. Winter is when I have two weeks of my boys gathered around. Winter is when We play no sports! That is the one I am most excited about.

I realize that I am talking about physical seasons but in my life I have spiritual seasons as well. I have seasons of hard, of love, of service, of learning, of lettting go, of rest. The largest lesson I have learned this year is to enjoy each season as it comes. Some seasons are easy, and some are not. Some are peaceful and are some crazy! But God tells us to enjoy each season we experience in our lives because our very life itself will be gone like a vapor.

God used my physical seasons to teach me about my spiritual seasons. I have a glimmer of the season to come

Monday, October 8, 2012

Martha, Martha, Martha...

   As a passionate person I find seasons in my life that I completely "spend" myself for what I am passionate about. If you know me then you know from February to August I watch countless baseball practices and sit through over a 120 games. Is baseball my passion? No~ The two boys who play are my passion. When you are passionate for something you are willing to sacrifice what ever it takes to make your passions happen. Is spending six months of my year running around two kids a sacrifice? You bet! However, if my boys decide at any point to give up baseball and pursue otherthings is that okay? Sure, I will become passionate about what they are passionate about. Passion encourages passion.
   Passion, do you have it? Do you know what it is? It will drive you to sacrifice, give, and go above and beyond what you thought was possible. I tend to be passionate about what I love. Are you like that? Maybe you love a certain coffee, then you probably tell everyone you know about it, right? Maybe you love a band that is off the hook and it is all you talk about. The thing I love the most is Jesus, and He is whom I am most passionate about. When your passionate for someone you love what they love. If you have Bieber-Fever then you love all things Justin. Well I have Jesus-Fever and I love all things Jesus. One thing Jesus loves is his church. In scripture Jesus refers to the church as his Bride, so if I love what he loves then I love the church!
   I see a trend in the American church to "slow down", "don't kill yourself", "don't be a Martha", "Even God rested"... If your a passionate person you have heard these as well. Let's look real quick at the story of Martha and see what is really going on.

 "Now it happened as they went that He entered a certain village; and a certain woman named Martha welcomed Him into her house.  And she had a sister called Mary, who also sat at Jesus’feet and heard His word. But Martha was distracted with much serving, and she approached Him and said, “Lord, do You not care that my sister has left me to serve alone? Therefore tell her to help me.”And Jesus answered and said to her, “Martha, Martha, you are worried and troubled about many things.But one thing is needed, and Mary has chosen that good part, which will not be taken away from her.” Luke 10:38-42 NKJV

  Martha invites Jesus and probably at least a few disciples into her home and is running around trying to get everything ready. Where Martha goes wrong is not in her serving, it is in her getting her eyes off of Jesus in her serving. You see that she gets distracted with the work and then goes to Jesus to complain about her sister who does have her eyes on Jesus.
  Let me tell you what I find interesting, first Jesus tells Martha that she is worried and troubled. Jesus himself tells us not to worry about anything but in all things with thanksgiving offer up everything in prayer. When you pursue your passions make sure that you keep your eyes on Jesus. In fact bring him right into the middle of your passion! Second, work isn't wrong! Jesus worked while he was on Earth, he served while he was on Earth but his example was to pull back from time to time and spend time with his Father. He didn't take a Sunday off, he didn't go the movies, he didn't take a vacation and all the things well meaning people tell you to do; He spent time alone with his Dad.
  Mary wasn't commended for what she was doing but how she was doing it. Martha wasn't reproved for what she was doing; it was her attitude and HOW she was doing her work. This example in scripture cannot be taken out of context with the rest of the Word. Jesus himself said he came to serve not to be served. Humility is the key!
   Humilty is a lost art in the church. Humilty isn't thinking of yourself as garbage. Scripture says that Jesus was humble, does that mean he thought of himself as junk and not worthy of love? Author Andrew Murray describes humility as, "total dependence on God". Jesus is our example, not other people, not what they do or don't do. The church has to keep Jesus as the example and the standard. Be humble because Jesus was humble, serve because Jesus served, sacrifice because Jesus sacrificed, those are the examples of how to live a life of humilty.
   Whether your passionate about coffee, your kids, Jesus or all of the above you have to keep humility as the key. I have "spent" myself in this season for Jesus but I have done so by spending time alone with him and keeping him in the middle of everything I do. I can't focus on what others do or don't do because that becomes a stumbling block. I simply can love Jesus and do all he asks of me... So while you look at me and might think, "Martha, Martha, Martha"  all I really want you to see is Jesus, Jesus, Jesus...

Saturday, August 11, 2012

The Roman Road

Have you ever had one of those moments that you know you are hearing the voice of God speak but your not really sure you like what your hearing?  I know, how could God speak and I not want to listen? There are times the prophets heard God speak and not want to listen, Jonah for one comes to mind. I am having one of those serious gut check moments.

God always gives you what you need but not always in a way that is easy. For most of my life the easy way has proved to be allusive. I love to communicate, and those of you who personally know me know that statement to be true.  I have always wanted to do a couple of things. First, I have always wanted to teach, as long as I can remember I have loved learning a new concept then turning around and teaching it to someone else. Second, I have always wanted to speak. I can hear the roar of laughter now coming from all of you who know that yes, I love to talk. That however is not what I am talking about; speaking to crowds is what I mean! I actually enjoying getting up in front of a crowd and speaking, weird I know.  Finally, I have always wanted to write, and that is where the gut check comes in. 

I can teach, and I can speak but writing doesn't come near as natural to me. I was always good in Engish class but then I remember that I graduated with a GED, and how absurd would it be that I would write. Yet, that is exactly what I hear God saying to me: communicate now through written words. What? Are you kidding, I write a Blog God, and isn't that enough?

So, with the tune of "I'm Diving In" by Steven Curtis Chapman playing in my head; here goes!  I am spending the Fall of this year with the Lord. I am going to try and write a devotional that will take you exegetically (from start to finish) through the book of Romans with humor (I hope) and biblical insight ( I pray). So pray for me while I am on the Roman Road with Jesus. Remind me of this moment of obedience when I faulter, and lift me up when I have no words. I will be blogging about the process and may even invite a few of you in from time to time for help. So, here I come Roman Road!!!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Where Am I? How Did I Get Here?

"What are you doing here Elijah?' This is how God opens a conversation with Prophet Elijah after he has just run for his life. One minute he is on top of Mt. Carmel calling out the prophet of Baal and the people for idol worship. He asks God to consume a great sacrifice, which God does in a miraculous way, and then with a boldness that is nothing less than shocking he starts praying for rain after a three year drought. WOW! Talk about a mountain top experience! Elijah asked God to do these awesome wonders and God found it pleasing to answer him by a consuming fire and bringing the rains. Then he runs faster than a chariot back down the mountain after it rains. Now, come on; that is some really cool stuff!

Then on his race down the mountain he comes upon Jezebel, the King's wife, who threatens to kill him. In a moment he changes courses and runs straight into a valley and asks to die. So after this huge display of God's power he gets freaked out and panics. After an angel revives him he is left alone and then God asks him this question, "What are you doing here Elijah."

Skipp, my husband, preached a sermon a couple of weeks ago and used this story at the end of his sermon. As I sat there I heard God ask me the same question, "What are you doing here Becky?" As if I could see clearly for the first time I realized that I was not at all where I was supposed to be, and how did I get here?
That question was not one of anger, or even surprise, but because He had a better place for me to be.

Now let me say this has nothing to do with a physical place, it wasn't like God was asking me why are you at Life Fellowship Church. I knew he meant, "why are you spiritually in this place of complacency?" How did I get there yet once again? I think it was too much busyness and not enough investment of my relationship with God. I was letting my life live me...

Intimacy happens over time, diving deeper and deeper into your relationship. When one person quits coming around, quits talking, and lets everything else take priority; how do you feel? It was like I was texting God for the things I needed but never went to him for what I really needed... more Jesus!

I need him every day! Every single moment of every single day I need our relationship. I need the Word of God, I need the Spirit of God, and he wants me. "What are you doing here?" Is not a question of condemnation but of invitation. It has been since February since I blogged, and I allowed life to get in the way of living. No more! I am taking God up on his invitation to intimacy and going to spend more time with him. So if you are wondering where you are and how you got there, then take God up on his invitation too!

Friday, February 24, 2012

Friend or Friendlies?

This week I have been reading the book, "Real Marriage," by Mark and Grace Driscoll and found God speaking to me about something quiet surprising. Friendship! Of course you and your spouse should be friends and Skipp and I are best friends at that. However, that was not the friendships God was talking to me about.

I am going to get a little honest with you here; I have very few friends. Most of you who read this will probably think that statement to be ludicrous. I can hear you all now, "You have me! I am your friend! You have all kinds of friends Becky." After you read this blog you will come to the same realization that I have and that you too have very few friends.

Friendship is something that is taken for granted in our culture. For example I have 503 "friends" on Facebook. Really, 503? I probably know all of those people but are they really friends? The bible says in John 15:13, "Greater love has no one than this, that someone may lay down his life for his friends." Of those 503 people on Facebook how many would I lay my life down for, or they for me? Very few I imagine.

True friendship is hard, time consuming, and costly. I have people in my life that I have been friendly with for 15+ years but I am coming to realize we really aren't friends. So how am I defining what a friend is? Let me show you...

"Friendship is costly in everything- time, energy, emotion and sometimes money." Mark Driscoll

"Friendship is to make conversation, to share a joke, to perform mutual acts of kindness, to read together well -written books, to share in trifling and in serious matters, to disagree though without animosity-just as a person debates with himself-and in the very rarity of disagreement to find the salt of normal harmony, to teach each other something or to learn from one another, to long with impatience for those absent, to welcome them with gladness upon their arrival" Augustine from Confessions

I have Skipp, my best friend! The one I share everything with, who I am naked both physically and emotionally in front of. I bare my life with him and sees everything and loves me anyways. If your spouse isn't your best friend then you have work to do. No one should know you better, or love you more.

I have three other women in my life that are truly, by the above statements, my friends. These women are all of differing ages, personalities and vocations. Being all different they do share some common similarities. They all share themselves, the good, the bad, the ugly- honest, raw, and totally unguarded. They all bring every conversation back to Jesus- always back to His words, His promises, and His truths. They make effort to love and be loved- they are unselfish in our friendship. Finally, even when we disagree we never have hurt feelings because there is a safety that what ever happens we have each other's best in mind.

I have many, many, many friendlies! These are the people that I live my life around whom I enjoy and they enjoy me. I have many rich and great friendlies! I am actually very blessed in my life, but I don't have the ability to love all of them the way I do the above four people. Jesus had many followers, 12 disciples, and 3 friends, and he was God!

What do you do if you don't have anyone in your life like I do? Ask yourself this question-
Am I a good friend to others? Sometimes we don't have friendships because we aren't a good friend, we are selfish, and unloving. We are in it for what it gives me not what it will cost me- this is true in marriage and in life~

I am blessed with very few friends, and many friendlies. I grieved this lesson because I would love to everyone be a friend, but I will be content with being friendly to everyone. Be blessed and have a great weekend!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Unfair Trade

It is that time of year again~ For me, it is the time of year that we transition out of our hold up of Winter and head into our busy Spring that includes cleats, running shoes, baseballs, and lots and lots of watching my kids compete. We spend the winter coming together, growing and enjoying just being a family after 9 months of track, baseball, and football. This year though I seem to not only becoming into that season with my family but also my life.

I have spent the last six years in a winter season almost like a caterpillar being transformed in a cocoon. I have spent six years being completely transformed from the inside out. In that six years I lost sixty pounds, went from having little kids to teenagers, came to appreciate who I really am and actually like her a lot, become totally captured with my husband, and fallen totally in love with Jesus. Am I saying before this time that I didn't love Jesus, or I wasn't digging my husband? No, but I couldn't love them they way they deserved until I woke up and loved the girl inside.

Did I spend those six years comfortable? Uh~ NO! Those were some of the hardest years in my life and yet that is exactly what I needed to become who God knew I was all along. You see we run from hardships, we curse God when life is tough, we yell and scream and kick at the injustice of it all. I admit I did that sometimes, but what I see looking back is I needed the pressure of those circumstances to propel me into a deep walk with Jesus.

If you have a good job, with a good life, good kids, good marriage, and a good church where is your motivation for a GREAT God? I look back and I was just a two dimensional version of who I am now. Now I feel like Dorthy coming into the land of Oz after living a black and white existence.

Usually when we are going through trouble or pressure we feel like God or life is unfair. You know what is really unfair? That the very one that created us had to take on our sins and pay for our death with his life. That is the most unfair trade in the history of mankind! So I will take my pain, my trouble, my sickness, my child with a disability, my church that is a mess, my marriage that is unkind, my rebellious kids, my old cars, my lack of income, my... whatever you choose to put in there and realize that nothing I go through will ever compare to what Jesus did for me. What I go through today shapes who I am tomorrow, so today instead of feeling sorry for yourself, and beating yourself up why don't you just ask God this question:

If you laid your life down for me then you must have a plan for my life. What lessons do I need to learn from my circumstances to teach me who you know I already am to live out the life you saved me for?

 For the record, I am now completely different six years later. If you don't like where you are today are you brave enough to let God completely change you? I am glad I let him change me, because you know... I am a pretty neat person because greater is He that is in me! Thanks Jesus for the unfair trade! I will take it any day!

Friday, January 27, 2012

My Position

Today I changed my position! No, not politically, but personally... Today after a combination of prophetic words, scriptures, and a Holy Spirit moment I have found myself in a new position; I really don't care!

Before you all go crazy, and think I have given up and must be spiraling towards depression, I must confess that this is 10+ years in the making... God spoke to me on my 24rth birthday that I needed to learn to be "abandoned" to Him. Looking back I see the steps on the path of the impossible to get me to this point but I have arrived. I am in place of holy contentment that is surrender yet I am starving for more of Him...

I thought when I got to this point of abandon that I would be floating around, you know so holy my feet don't touch the ground. Instead I see my failings, my inability to control my own destiny and I don't care, because He has very big hands. I am here in the palm of His unfailing hands, being held ever so gently, and I must confess I still crave more!

I have had a year of chaos in my own heart, a desperate fight against my own head and heart. I have for years longed to live at peace in my inner being and yet felt so chaotic. I think after today I realized that the more power I give Him, you know, through surrender, obedience, confession, and such; the more peaceful I get.

You know something? The old me, would hate the new me! This girl is just simply here to serve and love and enjoy the pleasure that he gives me. I like this, in fact, I love this! I pray that everyone could feel the tear of holy contentment and rising fire of desperation for more. What an awesome place!

Thanks for letting me share my journey with you, I really feel like today is the beginning of something big in my life. If you will join me on the journey, I think this is the beginning of something big for all of us! So, switch your position and just be....

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

War Cry!

Today in reading my bible I found Psalm 100.

"Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the Earth!" ESV

Since I am a self-proclaimed bible nerd I got out my Strong's Concordance to see what exactly scripture meant by a "Joyful noise". I found it interesting that the Hebrew word, ruwa', means something a little different than a joyful noise. When you think 'joyful noise' what do you think of? A baby cracking up is what comes to my mind when thinking of a joyful noise, or even just laughter of any kind. (The bible does say laughter is good medicine...)

Ruwa' is a Hebrew verb that actually means to shout, raise a cry, give a blast as in a war cry. So here in Psalm 100 God is telling us to shout a war cry to the Lord. To do that, you would have to have some confidence in who He is and a little bit of confidence in who you are. I think some of the lack of power in God's people comes from a lack of simple vision of who He is and who they are. I would invite you to read the whole text of Psalm 100 because it is an awesome picture of who God is and who we are.

Today when you are going about your day and you are reflecting on the Lord, do you ever intend to give a war cry to Him? It isn't like you are standing in line at Walmart and raise up a might shout to heaven, right? In line at McDonald's at lunch your not going to raise your arm and shout to the Lord in worship are you? Why not?

The bible says to raise a shout of triumph to the Lord of Hosts. Could it be that you don't see your life as a triumph, or that you don't realize who He really is? We allow our culture both in and out of the church to dictate our worship to God, but shouldn't we do what the bible says to do?

A few months ago during our worship service at church my husband Skipp led our church in a shout to the Lord. Now I will tell you that there was a power inside of him that was highly attractive, think Mel Gibson in Braveheart here Ladies. He held his shout and continued to cry aloud for awhile, and honestly I think he surprised himself. He certainly surprise the church as I am not sure they knew what to do.

What Skipp did was totally scriptural but not comfortable, it was powerful but not cultural. When are we going to realize that we are not citizens of the United States but citizens of Heaven. We are the sheep of His pasture, we are the Children of God, we are His and His alone.

So today before I go off and go about my normal daily  routine; I plan to give a shout of triumph! I am going to give a war cry, a declaration that my allegiance is to Him, to Jesus. My life is a triumph, any saved life is a triumph. Maybe the power that we are missing as a church is because we aren't feeling powerful ourselves. So today, I will raise a triumphant war cry as a declaration of my allegiance to the King of the Universe and hold nothing back, simply because the Bible tell me so...

Sunday, January 8, 2012

This is WAR!

 "Blessed be the LORD, my rock, who trains my hands for war, and my fingers for battle;  he is my steadfast love and my fortress, my stronghold and my deliverer, my shield and he in whom I take refuge, who subdues peoples[a] under me." Psalm 144

In recent months our young men (16, 13, and 10) have taken to playing more war type games. Gone it seems are the days of racing, Mario, and Donkey Kong, and instead a  replacement of  Golden Eye, Modern Warfare, and Blazing Angels.. I have noticed as I walk into the rooms with their faces intently plastered to the TV screen such words as, "your dead! I killed you! So long sucker! This is war!"  I personally am not overly feminine but I have become more "girly" through the years

So at first I was uncomfortable with such strong language and still am to some degree with our 10 year old. However, through the ages of history when a boy reached 13 he was no longer a boy and instead a man. I am looking at my 13 year old, who could pass for 11 easily, and the idea of him being a man is strange. I look at my 16 year old and it is easier for me to see him as a man considering he wears what looks like a shabby Amish beard. 

Historically, boys were taught at a young age to be men. The were taught the value of hard work, that women were to be taken care of, and that they were made to fight. I look at my guys and I realize that I haven't done a very good job of showing them those things. I have done a good job of making them good boys, but good men? So like the captain of a giant ocean liner I have taken to the task of turning a ship in mid-stream. Difficult? You bet! Possible? Absolutely!

This year I want them to see the power of God in their lives, and that God can use them, even at their age for war. They too are in a war! They come into contact with the enemy everyday, and it is time I prepare them for battle. Now the idea of them wearing guns instead of ball gloves is crazy, but so is sending them into their battle unarmed. 

How do we arm this generation of young men? First we have to show them who they are in Jesus; It all begins and ends with him. Second, we have to give them something to fight FOR. Women too long have become too willing to feminize and emasculate the men in their lives. True femininity is fierce, bold, and soft... It is okay to let them know you need them, not just bark out orders to them. I need these young men, I am not strong enough to carry in the food they require! Just kidding. 

Seriously though, I have to be someone who invites their masculinity to rise up, and give them a reason to want to protect. Third, I must be submissive to the Lord and their Dad. Fourth, I have to arm them with the Word. Fifth, I must pray!   

Men will rise up and be men, when we expect them to. Women have created an adolescence that lasts much too long. You can see this by the amount of young men who live on their mother's couches playing video games at 25. I declare that I will give my sons the gift of failure and mistakes. I will not protect them so much that God can't use those lessons of doing the wrong things to make them right next time. I have less than 10 years and all my young men will be grown men, probably husbands and fathers. 

My legacy will not be in what I do, but who I raise and who I love. So, from now until they leave my roof, THIS IS WAR!  

Monday, January 2, 2012

Baby Steps (Part 2)

The awkward silence was deafening... Here we all sat ready to eat dinner and there was a new face at the table. I am not sure what I expected but this was not it. Our son so nervous he could hardly stop shaking, and me so confused about a girl who was quiet. This is not what I had expected! The conversation did eventually pick up when we took her home and met her parents. They were not near as shy as this frighten little girl was... All I could think was I know her.

Rewind about 22 years and that was me at the table meeting my boyfriends parents. They politely asked about my parents and about my interests. I remember thinking how nicely they were dressed and how they offered me dessert, a treat I thought reserved for rich people. They were proper and from the East side of town, I was a gabby 14 year old from the West side of town. We did have one thing in common though, we both loved Skipp!

So as I sat there tonight all I could think about was how much this lovely young woman must adore my son to be brave enough to come to dinner to meet his parents. I am sitting here overwhelmed that it is over and yet just beginning all at the same time. I am not ready to marry him off and recognize that there could be several of these first dates with Trevor and a girl but what I recognized in that moment was that anyone Trevor loved, I would love. Just that simple...

Love is a choice and a verb, it is finding what that person needs and giving it to them. This girl needs Jesus, and the security that only His love can bring. I know how desperately I need Jesus then and now, so how can I not love what I see. This year God has challenged Skipp and I to pray simply what we see, and I see a boy who for the first time is thinking about someone else. So, we will walk ever so gently on this road and keep Jesus in the middle.

Baby steps, baby steps to adulthood... Walking slowly away from adolescence and closer to being the man that God made. How could baby steps not make me smile!

Baby Steps (Part 1)

The first born gets the awesome privilege of being first at everything. They come into this world adored and every moment is recorded with awe. By the time you get to that second, third, and so on you have a little less awe and much more wisdom. So here we are with our first born taking another baby step to becoming an adult; the first date!

Our oldest son, Trevor, is going on his first "date" tonight. Let me start by saying that in our home we have some pretty strict rules on "dating". First, your relationship with God must come first and be evident. Second, you must have a job as girls are expensive, and I am NOT paying for your dates. Third, you must involve other people, and lastly you must ask her parents permission to take out their daughter.

So here I am writing this blog and confessing that two out of four isn't bad... Yes he did call and ask her parents for permission, and yes we are going along on this "date". So why are we allowing this when he isn't following the rules. I honestly don't know! As this relationship as developed we have seen a change him, one from selfishness to that of protector. It has me curious to say the least.

I had a long talk with him and told him that if she was the one that God has for him then we needed to know her. I explained that he had two weeks to set up a time for us to take her to dinner and get to know her. To my shock and horror he actually listened! I know, I know...

It is less than an hour and half before Skipp and I take him over to pick her up and I find myself nervous. I am sure not as nervous as he is, but nervous none the less. Is this really happening? Is my son the kind of guy who can handle this? Is this really a big deal? What is my role in all of this? There are many more questions that I don't have the answer to but this I know; I have listened to God and Skipp in this situation and I trust them both, even with my first born son.

I have prayed for this child who is fast becoming a man and I believe with my all my heart that this relationship is God's will for Trevor. What is my role in all of this? That is a question I am seeking God in daily and here is what I have come up with. First, to keep God in the center of everything! Through joy, and pain, blessing and trial, I will keep our Savior in the middle of our lives by prayer, petition, thanksgiving, and obedience. Second, I am to protect him from devastating choices not everyday brain farts! What I mean by that is I have to let him fail in things that don't matter and allow him to learn the lessons that God has for him. I am not to protect him so much that God can't use his failure to make him into the man he wants. Third, I must be kind and loving to anyone that he chooses to bring into our family no matter what! She must see Jesus in me and I have to treat her the way I want to be treated. Finally, I must surrender and trust God with him everyday and in everyway!

This is part one of what I assume will be two parts. By tonight many of my nerves will be calmed and these baby steps will be a thing of the past but the lessons I learn tonight will be for many future events! Help me Jesus with this and every baby step.... (to be continued)