Monday, October 3, 2011

Here a blog, there a blog, everywhere a blog, blog, blog

It seems to me that most people want to be known and heard. To prove my point, how many of us check our Facebook account after we posted something to see if anyone replied. We look to see how many "friends" we have, and how many "likes" our page contains. In a world of over six billion people you would think one would never feel lonely or friendless...

How many of us have felt alone? Most of us at times have felt that way; I know I have! I can be surrounded by my husband, our three boys, and two dogs and yet at times feel utterly alone. How can I be in a community and in relationship in that community and still feel alone and unheard...

Usually it is because I have chosen to allow what is going on in my life to direct my reaction to life. You see we were created to be in relationship first with God. Relationship? That sounds a little creepy to some, but to others it sounds like life itself. You will never feel complete, whole, and totally sound until you are in a relationship with God, through Jesus, by the Holy Spirit. When I feel alone in a community, is simply because I am neglecting my relationship with God.

Sparkler for Jesus is a blog about my relationship with God, my relationship with others, and how I chose to live my life out loud for the world to see. I believe some people can live behind a veil and never show who they really are... If you know me, then you know I am not one of those people. Life comes at me 100 miles a second and keeping Jesus in the center isn't easy, but it is possible. So, with the hurts, the joys, and with raw openess I purpose to live like a Sparkler for Jesus.

My prayer is that through this blog, you will see you are not alone. He is right there with you, if you choose! So, here a blog, there a blog, everywhere a blog, blog, blog....

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